Telecommuniations Case Study | ZONE Telecom — Zonetel

Case Study

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/ Case Study

More schools power ahead with ZONE Broadband 2.0

Find out how ZONE plans, designs, delivers and maintains ICT solutions that encompass everything from a 30Mbps Dynamic Plan for a primary school to a wireless infrastructure for an entire college campus.


Mission Accomplished - ZONE Broadband 2.0

Genesis Design saves hundreds of dollars every month, eliminates staff overtime and delivers client project on time with ZONE's Mission Critical, ultra-high speed fibre broadband.


A Calling in the Cloud - ZONE Zentrex

THT Logistics switched to hosted IP PBX solution and achieved 30% cost savings and improved customer relations


Two- Way express alleviates speed problem (Series on Next Gen NBN adoption)

ZONE Broadband2.0 helps Drilmaco to address speed connection and bandwidth issues featured in IDA infocomm Snapshots.


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